UI Design Guidelines for Responsive Design

What are some tips for tablet design that you want to remember for your future designs?

  • Design for retina display
  • Consider larger font size
  • Since tablets are touch screens, interactive areas should have a larger touch area

What are some tips for smartphones that you want to remember?

  • Minimal content
  • Avoid ads if they are not really needed
  • Get creative with tabs, accordions and navigation to save space
  • Summarize text

Which site in the Showcase section catches your eye? Foodsense Why do you admire it? It is seamless from desktop, tablet to mobile. In terms of what is up front and center, only the most important and relevant elements are present in screen area of the mobile and tablet versions. While the layouts differ slightly, the difference between each seems minimal because the branding is consistent.

What is another article that you can recommend on a related topic?