June 10 Chat-Codekit

  1. What can Codekit do for you? CodeKit is an app that helps you build websites faster. It compiles all the cutting-edge languages like Sass, Less, Stylus and CoffeeScript. It live-refreshes your browsers. It combines, minifies and syntax-checks JavaScript. It even optimizes images. All stuff that speeds up both your website and your workflow.
  2. How do you feel about using it someday? It seems like a great tool. I would give it a try to see how it works.
  3. What are Grunt and Gulp? Gulp.js is an automated task runner that helps simplify the process of automating repetitive tasks. Is uses Node.js streaming syntax to pass results from one function to the next. This makes it very intuitive and allows you to easily build a workflow that is easy to understand for developers. Grunt is also javascript task runner. It is focused around the configuration of tasks using JavaScript objects.
  4. What can you do with that second link? The negative grid generator is an excellent tool to create your own grid.  How can you use it? It’s as simple as plugging in the numbers and clicking “generate grid”.  CSS for the grid is produced with all the correct percentages.