Chat June 3 Google Hangouts

  1. ]When/how often would we do critiques and code reviews? We should do have formal critiques at least every other week. Maybe we can alternate critiques and chats.
  2. Walk us through a typical critique session. What would that look like? Will we use videos? Video phone calls? How would we leverage Google Hangouts to make this work for us? Would we break into smaller groups? Post a link to the site being critiqued at least a day ahead to give everyone a chance to take a look. I’m not one for video. I prefer written so I would recommend snapshots or Jing with notes.
  1. Are there any ground rules you’d want to establish? Being honest yet constructive is key. Be specific about what works and what doesn’t work. Make suggestions for improvement. How would you learn the best and get the most out of a critique of your own site? I’m a visual learner so I learn by seeing examples.
  1. Would we develop a set of questions or just wing it each time based on what we know, etc.? Having a set of questions to ask or critiquing points would be very helpful. Would the designer begin the session with an intro explaining the goals and challenges? This would be a good idea.