Chat Nov. 9 &11 — What Web Designers Can Learn from Disney

Choose your 3 favorite take-aways and write about why you find them so meaningful, personally.

It was hard to narrow it down to just three because he offered a lot of good advice and made several great points:

  • “Designers shouldn’t ever think they’re purely making art or aesthetics.”  Design is not art and this is where designers starting out run into trouble. Because they have a hard time separating themselves from their work.
  • Designers are problem solvers “attempting to make tasks easier through familiar patterns, intuitive experience, and invoking emotions in their operators. 
  • Curiosity enables growth
  • Design is a process, not a single mockup!  It takes time,  a lot of back and forth (conversation) and critique. This is another area where young designers run into problems. The first idea isn’t necessarily the best.  So it’s important to come up with several ideas and get feedback in order to come up with the best solution.
  • Be humble and embrace critique. Don’t take things personally.
  • Surround yourself with people that challenge you and push your designs to be better. Absolutely. You can’t grow if you don’t collaborate with others.