Jan. 11 & 13 — Web Design Trends for 2015

This article is full of things you may not have heard of before. List three things that you looked up (Googled) in order to figure out what the author was talking about and briefly explain what they are/mean.



The movie Back to the Future predicted that hoverboards would be commonplace in 2015.  What is one prediction that you think is more spot-on than that in this article? (Why do you think this will really trend this year? In other words, what evidence do you have that this prediction is already happening?

SVG will finally take off-SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics, is an XML format for 2D graphics. As the name implies, a document in SVG format can scale to any size, effectively filling up any size container making SVG ideal for responsive sites. There are many examples of svg being used to create scalable graphics by combining a lot of small images into a single file. Before this was done with PNGs files.





Did any predictions in the article make you worried? Why?

  • The Internet of things-Not only do designers need to think about devices that people carry but designers will also need to think about things (such as watches, smart refrigerators, other appliances, control panels) that are or will soon be web-connected. The need for consistency will drive an even more simplistic design approach.
  • Framework Dominance-Just when I was started to get the hang of frameworks, the idea them disappearing is painful to think about. Web tech is evolving at exponential speed that it’s difficult to keep up.



Did any make you happy or relieved?

Internet Explorer is finally going away. Why? IE is a terrible browser. It would be nice to finally not have to make CSS and HTML compatible with IE7 and 6.



What are two important things from the article that you think we should revisit in a future Chat Meeting? Explain why you made these choices.

Micro-Design- this is a concept that we need to really understand because not only do designers need sites to work on a variety of screens (responsive) but they all need to be consistent in look and feel they also need to give users give a sense of seamless as they go from device to device. The ability for the user to pick up where they left off and feel will become part of the experience users will come to expect.