Aug 27 Chat Chris Coyler /Epic Awesome

  1. What resources did Chris use that you would like to try when trying to perfect your sites in the future? Explain what the resource does or how it’s beneficial. Speedloader. Knowing how long a site will take to load is really helpful because it can tell you if you need to pair down images or effects.
  2. Was there any advice that you struck you as particularly useful or helpful? Viewport detections What was it and why? Making each section one browser window large makes keeps everything on the screen and looks aesthetically better. TYPOGRAPHY. Too many fonts is overwhelming. Follow the rule of thumb, no more than 3.
  3. Was there any advice that you didn’t exactly agree with? What was it and why? Smoother transitions rather than abrupt between sections. Yes and know. A lot of times the smooth transition bothers my eyes.
  4. What is a Kickstarter? (Hint: Google it.) I love kickstarter. It’s a crowdsourcing site for any kind of project. You make your pitch and ask for how much you need for your project and interested people will fund it.
  5. Look up a couple of terms that you don’t know much about and list them and a little of what you found out about them. Autoprefixer: parses CSS files and adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules using the Can I Usedatabase to determine which prefixes are needed.
  6. List any links related to the article that you could share at the chat and that you might want to refer to later. Make this blog post something useful for you and your readers: